Like what you see? So, here's how it works.
- We can convert your current website to one of our designs in a few hours (for most sites)
- You need to do nothing other than sign up
- We will then provide you with a preview of what we think is the best design, if you like it, you can accept this, and then, and only then are you charged
- If you prefer a different design you can select these in your account, and preview as many designs as you like, and accept the one you prefer
- We can help you repoint your domain to our servers, or if you don't have a domain help arrange one for you
- Your contract is month to month so no long term commitment required
- And if you ever need to leave, for a small fixed service fee of $199 USD, we will provide you an exported copy of all your site data, and any future reservations you have in our system